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Parallel Catastrophes - Hogsmeade Meeting by Vanzetti
Summary: Marita tries to cover her tracks, and Snape is not flattered. Part of a series of Harry Potter/XF crossovers, Krycek/Marita.

Title: Hogsmeade Meeting
Author: Vanzetti
Feedback: vanzetti @ populli.net
Website: Parallel Catastrophes
Rating G
Category: HP/XF crossover snippet (Marita Covarrubias, Severus Snape)
Summary: Marita tries to cover her tracks, and Snape is not
Disclaimer: The X-Files Universe belongs to 1013 Productions, Fox
Television, and Chris Carter. The Harry Potter Universe belongs to
J. K. Rowling and her publishers etc. including Bloomsbury,
Scholastic, and whoever was responsible for those movies. I make no
claim to ownership of previously copyrighted materials, nor do I
make a profit from my use of them.

Her contact was waiting on the outskirts of Hogsmeade. "You're late
again, Covarrubias. Some of us have hordes of screaming children to

"It's Sunday, Snape," she responded. "You don't teach today. The
fresh air will do you good."

"I sincerely doubt it. Are those the new samples?"

She handed over the warded container. "Are you making any progress?"

"I believe I understand the way the consciousness melds itself to
the matrix of the oil. It's quite ingenious."

"It's dangerous," she said.

"The most interesting things are, I find. If that's all?"

"A question, Snape," she said. He turned back to her in a whirl of
black. She took a deep breath. "Narcissa is making a large party for
Lucius. I must appear, and I must appear with an escort.

He tilted his head to one side. "Are you asking me to be that
escort, Covarrubias?"

"Not for any romantic reasons, I assure you. But I must bring

"How flattering."

"Don't be awkward, Snape, please. I know you have no more interest
in me than I have in you, but I need an insider and you've gone to
some trouble to ensure that Lucius considers you pliable."

"Not bad, Covarrubias. Insult and blackmail. Unfortunately for you,
I intend to have other plans that evening. Why so desperate, anyway?
Narcissa must have found you someone especially dreadful."

"I need to distract her," she answered.

Watching Snape think was less enjoyable when his intelligence was
focused on her own life, Marita found. She could almost see him
raising and discarding possibilities. "It isn't someone she's found,
is it? It's someone you've found. Who is it, a Gryffindor? No, it
would be worse than that. A Muggle-born?"


"A Muggle? I see why you're desperate enough to ask me."

"Your ability to combine rudeness with self-pity never ceases to
amaze me, Snape. I thought you might be interested in whatever
Lucius is planning."

"Lucius only has one plan, and I already know it. Your problem,
however, interests me."

"I've already had a full dose of horror mixed with prurient interest
from Narcissa, thank you. As you've given me your answer, could we
consider the subject closed?"

"I might change my mind, Marita," he said.

"To be perfectly honest, I'd forgotten how unpleasant you can be
when I decided to ask you."

Snape barked out a laugh. "I had no idea you were capable of perfect
honesty. Very well. If nothing else it will generate a refreshing
amount of confusion."

"You mean..."

"Have you become an idiot? Your desperation touches my heart. I will
aid and abet this deception of yours."

"You are only doing this to gain an advantage, aren't you?"

"What else would you expect?" he said. "I doubt we will meet before
the party itself. Until then?" He bowed slightly before turning to

"Until then," she told his back.


Feedback to vanzetti @ populli.net is taken in, given three square
meals a day, and brought up right.