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Monica Reyes Revealed - Transcript Of OS Reyes Featurette
Summary: Transcript of a Monica Reyes feature from the Official Site. Commentary by Annabeth Gish, Robert Patrick, Cary Elwes, Frank Spotnitz. Kindly transcribed by Cassie.

NARRATOR: The X-Files. Monica Reyes: Revealed.

NARRATOR: She's not your average FBI Agent.

FRANK SPOTNITZ: We wanted a different kind of believer character to work off of John Doggett's skepticism. And she's sunnier, you know. She's brighter, she's warmer... She smiles, she laughs. She's more overtly sexy.

NARRATOR: Annabeth Gish, the newest member of the X-Files team, knew she was in for an adventure when she joined the show in it's 8th season.

ANNABETH: It's pretty cool. They've written me not as an antagonist to Scully... It's almost a sister kind of thing. This whole show is full of moments of weirdness and fun.

NARRATOR: As Gish soon learned, little time was to waste on the set of The X-Files.

ANNABETH: The explosion that we just filmed... that ranked up there, actually. In all of my sixteen of years of work, doing that scene... I was terrified. I remember that my heart was beating and I was like, "Okay, Gish. You're an FBI Agent, you're a badass. Just fake it!"

FRANK SPOTNITZ: We wanted a flavor that we'd never had on the show. She's a little more "New-Agey" and spiritual than Mulder would ever be. She's trying to quit smoking and she's a little flustered about that.

ANNABETH: Someone had mentioned to me that I smoked cigarettes... That Cigarette Smoking Man had also smoked.

ROBERT PATRICK: She's just in tune. She's in touch with a lot of things that maybe the average person isn't.

NARRATOR: In this newest feature, the bond between Doggett and Reyes grows stronger with the introduction of Brad Follmer.

CARY ELWES: As far as his relationship with Reyes is concerned... Follmer is involved in the X-Files only to the extent that he WANTS to help her. But he doesn't want to help Doggett.

ANNABETH: There's a new energy around the show. As Monica and Scully and Doggett are cementing their new relationship, Annabeth and Gillian and Robert are doing the same thing. There also is the side where people are loyal to, you know, the past and certain characters and sentimental.

ROBERT: The history of Mulder... it's imprinted all over the show and I think Doggett & Reyes will always be referring to him.

ANNABETH: It's like trying to very carefully walk over the bridge into the new era, holding hands with the old.... And now I'm starting to sound like Monica Reyes. Kum ba yah... It's life imitating art.